Book A Session

Natal Astrology Reading
(Nadi Reading)
Our readings are based in Vedic and Mahākala systems of astrology. They shed light on your natural, unique and pre-destined trajectory in life. By reading the sky’s configuration at your moment of birth, the astrologer can provide insights into your karmic patterning of mind, energy & conduct that will impel you for better or worse throughout your life.
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$210 / 1 hr session

Relationship Compatibility Reading
A Compatibility Astrology reading serves as an invaluable tool to better understand the karmic relationship between you and your significant other, or potential significant other.
The “eight cornerstone combinations” will be discussed to assess the confluence or dissonance in relation to...
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$210 / 1 hr session

Oracular Advice & Praśana Astrology
Looking for guidance around a specific question? Oracular Methods of Divination (Daoist Zhouyi & Stav Runes) & Praśna Astrology can provide insights to help you make the best decision appropriate to the karmic forces at play.
Questions related to mundane matters (ex. relocation, big purchase, career change, pursuing a relationship, etc.) can be explored, as well as questions to help contextualize a current crossroad of life, etc. This is highly recommended in charged circumstances that require outer insights for clarity and direction.
$158 / 1 hr session

Follow Up Reading
If new questions have arisen since your last reading or you’ve entered a new planetary cycle and would like to delve deeper into the specific indications for that precise time period of your life, you can book in for a follow-up reading.
Follow-up readings make use of a variety of astrological techniques and systems to meet the needs of the inquiry. It is common for people to have a yearly session called a solar return. It’s also strongly advised to have follow up readings in preparation for two particularly challenging periods called:
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$105 / 1 hr session
Meet your Jyotishi(s)

Dharma Bodhi
(Kol Martens)
Dharma Bodhi began practicing yoga at seven years of age. In his teens he moved into practices of Chan Buddhism and Daoism received through his Chinese martial arts teachers in New York. After completing his chiropractic degree he studied in an Oral-Practice Tradition of Non-Dual Śaiva Tantra, taking initiation into one of the Daśnami Orders of practice from India. In 1996 he complete ācārya training under his Śaiva gurus.
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Photo: Dharma Bodhi & Sahaja Dākinī during Long Life Puja.

Sahaja Dākinī
(Steph Gusman)
Sahaja Dākinī (Steph Gusman) moved to Thailand in 2010 to study as a full time apprentice with Dharma Bodhi after recognizing the efficacy and holistic nature of Eastern approaches for psycho-spiritual growth and healing. In 2021 she received lineage authorization as a Junior Ācārya of Trika Mahāsiddha Yoga and continues to study towards Senior Ācārya. During this time, she fell in love with the intuitive art-science of Jyotish and has continued to study the subject up to the present day. She now lives in Maine, USA with her consort (Dharma Bodhi) and children as a yogini householder.
Photo: Sahaja Dākinī with Bette Timm, her Jyotishācārya.
1:1 Practice Guidance Sessions
With Dharma Bodhi
Obligations and lack of time may prevent you from attending in-person retreats, but there is the opportunity to train one-one with Dharma Bodhi online. The obvious advantage of one-one session is that you get to ask all of the questions about your practice that are most relevant to you, and you’ll have an experienced guide on the path helping you to avoid karmic obstacles to practice and fruition. Session time slots are available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Practice Follow-up Guidance
For check-ins, refinement & further instruction related to a practice or teaching received online or in-person from Dharma Bodhi.
*Note: Dharma Bodhi does not give instruction/advice on practices given by another teacher.
$158 / 1 Hour Session

Spiritual Counseling
If dealing with a specific issue or problem related to one’s spiritual process and/or path.
*This is not a session to receive instructions in the path, initiation into a new practice, or to refine practices given by other teachers.